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Hand painted window sign painting in Singapore

POST EDIT: We've created a new page for Sign painting, head over to www.singapore-signs.com for more sign painting projects.

I had the honor to work on a window sign project for Liberty Coffee Singapore. I was so excited to be able to work on my first window sign painting project. We took the window measurements and agreed on how large we want the artwork to be on the window. So that gives us an idea of how big the artwork should be. The process goes like this, a few round of sketches, then amendments and finalize with the client. The artwork is then scaled up with a projector and then hand painted from the inside of the window. That's right, the window sign was painted in reverse!

Scaling up the final sketch on parchment paper (also known as tracing paper) 

I project the vectorized artwork onto the wall and then I re-traced them using a thin marker. Making sure the line was visible when pasted on the outside of the window.

Artwork is then placed on the glass window

The artwork is then carefully placed on the window, secured with lots of masking tapes so that it doesn't fly away with the wind when you're painting :) 

Painting Liberty Coffee logo

Final artwork

Here's the final outcome. I had so much fun. Not to mention the amount of focus and concentration to make sure that it turns out good. Let me know if this is something you'd like to do for your business/shop window as well.

Thank you for reading!
If you would like something like this done, please feel free to get in touch.